1. Project
It is also possible to make projections with the library using the keywords project() or on()
project( _range, _space, _expr, _geomap );
Required parameters:
: the space in which lives the projected expression, it should be a nodal function space -
: the expression to project
Optional parameters:
: the domain for the projection.-
Default = all elements from
: type of geometric mapping.-
Default =
From doc/manual/laplacian/laplacian.cpp
element_type e( Xh, "e" );
e = project( _space = Xh,
_range = elements( mesh ),
_expr = g );
From doc/manual/heatns/convection_run.cpp
tn = project( _space = Xh->functionSpace<2>(),
_range = elements( mesh ),
_expr = constant( 300 ) );